En av böckerna som tog sig in på The New York Times årliga topplista, 100 Notable Books, var den engelska versionen av Patrik Svenssons bok Ålevangeliet.
– Det är alltid väldigt roligt med bekräftelse, men det är ju en bok av 100 så vi ska inte plocka fram den största blåsorkestern. Men kanske en stråkkvartett åtminstone, säger Patrik Svensson i en kommentar till Dagens Nyheter.
Bland böckerna på topplistan som har koppling till miljö, klimat och hållbarhet märks bland annat följande fem, varav en då alltså är en svensk bok som översatts:

The Book of Eels: Our Enduring Fascination With the Most Mysterious Creature in the Natural World
Svensson follows those slithery beings in every direction they take him, producing a book that moves from Aristotle to Freud to the fishing trips of his youth.
Yellow Bird: Oil, Murder, and a Woman’s Search for Justice in Indian Country
This painstakingly reported and beautifully written book, Murdoch’s first, examines the effects of fracking on a North Dakota reservation through the eyes of a remarkable Native American woman who, determined to solve a murder related to the oil boom, exposes the greed and corruption that fueled it.
Soul Full of Coal Dust: A Fight for Breath and Justice in Appalachia
Hamby powerfully recounts two stories, both miserable: the effect that working in coal mines has had on the health of miners, and the decades-long battle for federal help to force companies to pay for their medical care.
Owls of the Eastern Ice: A Quest to Find and Save the World’s Largest Owl
Slaght is a wildlife biologist with a singular mission, to conserve an elusive and enormous raptor in the eastern wilds of Russia. The book is an ode to the rigors and pleasures of fieldwork in hard conditions.
Becoming Wild: How Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace
Safina, the ecologist and author of many books about animal behavior, here delves into the world of chimpanzees, sperm whales and macaws to make a convincing argument that animals learn from one another and pass down culture in a way that will feel very familiar to us.